I’m available for independent or studio projects. Passionate about storytelling in all its forms, my aim is to supply insights and techniques to help any project more effectively communicate its core narrative.
I’m available for independent or studio projects. Passionate about storytelling in all its forms, my aim is to supply insights and techniques to help any project more effectively communicate its core narrative.
Script Notes
Script notes are an agenda setting document intended for writers and other creatives. Typically commissioned by a producer, director or writer before embarking on a new draft of a project.
Script notes are a way to help identify key issues and begin the discussion around potential solutions. They are also useful in helping all creative parties re-focus on what is needed to progress the story within the script.
Script Coverage
Interested in developing a script but not sure if it’s viable, want someone to take a look for you? Well, Script Coverage may be what you’re after, as it’s a considered but fast review of any potential script.
It aims to provide the answers to the follow two questions: Is this a script worth engaging with? If not, is the talent exhibited worth further development?
Coverage is structured with a view towards assessing the viability of a script in the market, while also assisting with identifying potential talent.
Script Assessment
Script Assessments are a more detailed and structured document. Mainly for funding agencies and their associated development departments, but also useful for producers and directors.
An Assessment takes a more holistic approach towards the strengths and weaknesses of a potential project’s story, while still taking market concerns into consideration.
The Assessment aims to provide an evenhanded investigation into the positive and negative qualities of a project, while also providing a clear and balanced summary of the project’s script as a piece of writing work.
Narrative Consultation
Have you come up with an interesting story idea, but you’re unsure about how to expand or develop it further?
Is the story for a project outside of film and television, and you’re looking to talk to someone about possible narrative options and/or development?
A Narrative Consultation is an initial face to face meeting where we can discuss the merits of your story idea and strategise some straightforward steps to assist with developing it further.